Tino Qahoush graduate of Regent University, has spent years traveling to
the region to document the reality of this transformation. "I have the
privilege of recording evidence and hear stories of men and women, of all ages,
who sat in a room, see the presence of God before their eyes real, like a
vision. Some tell stories of how they sustain a conversation , not just a light
that appears to them, "said Qahoush. His interviews confirm what experts
say is a deep moving of the Spirit of God in predominantly Muslim nations of
Mauritania, Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia.
"Sometimes I feel jealous of how Jesus visits the Muslim world at this
time and did not hear occurring in traditionally Christian community,"
said Qahoush. THE CASE OF ALGERIA One place where this growth is most evident
in Algeria. . "We never thought that the Algerian church grow much,"
said Salah pastor who leads one of the largest churches in Algeria, with some
1,200 believers who attend asus cults. 99 percent of those who attend part of
the Muslim population, and -refiere Salah- all new Christians in his church
have Muslim background. "Since our inception as a church until today, have
called around 150-160 believers a year," said Salah. A typical case is
that of a man named Zino, an ex-Muslim, who was invited to attend church by a
friend. "I saw Algerians worshiping God with all your heart and it touched
me," says moved. Others like Farhat speak of miraculous events. She was
Muslim and illiterate. I could not read when he accepted the Lord, but then God
unexpectedly revolutionized his life. "Since then was able to read the
Bible and understand the Word of God. This is just an example of what God has
done in my life and for many here in Algeria," says Farhat, an ex-Muslim.
STONY LAND FERTILE GROUND Although Algeria is predominantly Muslim, the
government gives freedom Protestant churches to register their congregations.
"It is the first Arab government officially recognized churches,"
says Youssef Ourahmane, Algerian and pastor of Casa de Esperanza. Youssef said
that despite the government harasses and intimidates Christians occasionally,
but the level of persecution is not like 20 years ago. "God gave us many
opportunities to testify at police stations, in the courts Once I went to the
police station and was given 45 minutes to talk about Jesus Imagine, all
Muslims sitting and saying:.. 'Tell us about Jesus '"said Ourahmane. But
Algeria and North African countries have not always been open to the gospel.
"Peter" is a veteran missionary here. "You know the parable, a
sower went out to sow and seed fell on rocky ground, this is North Africa, in
those days was rugged and rocky," said "Peter". "Religion
and culture were hostile to anything foreign and Christianity was regarded as
the religion of the Europeans," said "Peter". "Peter"
believes that the arrival of television and the internet have changed the
perception of people about Christianity. "Today, in North Africa on
television you can listen to Arab Christians talking about their faith, mature
Christians, answering questions, participate in discussions," said
"Peter". Encouraged by the power of God, Algerian Christians are now
on a mission to bring the gospel to every corner of the globe. "God has
placed in our hearts that we can send 1,000 missionaries 2025. I think that
perhaps one day will end with some American missionaries reaching converts from
Islam to Muslims there and elsewhere," concluded Ourahmane. Email this
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